just in time for the holidays...

A bottle of a halfway decent Merlot
A little less than a half pint of good Rum
2 oranges
2 peaches
1 lemon
1 very generous cup of sugar
1. Pour the entire bottle of wine into a glass or ceramic pitcher
2. Add a splash of rum.
3. Squeeze the juice from one orange into the pitcher, cut the other orange into circular slices and add to the mixture.
4. Add another splash of Rum
5. Cut up the peaches and throw the pieces into the pitcher.
6. Time for another splash of Rum
7. Add the skin of the lemon to the mixture (try to avoid adding any of the actual meat of the lemon).
8. You are probably used to adding a splash of Rum by now, so as not to confuse you I suggest you do so again.
9. Add sugar
10. If you have any Rum left over just remember wastefullness is a sin and just do what you feel is right in your heart.
11. Stir and cover
12. Stick that baby in the fridge for at least 24 hours.
Serves: It serves you! If anyone else wants some tell em to make their own damn Sangria!
Oh yeah, nibbling on those little pieces of peach can be delicious, and intoxicating, so watch out! Like everything else in life I learned this the hard way. One Sunday morning I didn't think it would hurt to eat a few of the peach pieces right out of the pitcher. Half an hour later I was looped!