You will need:
About a pound of good, fresh, organic beets
1, or maybe 2 organic lemons
good extra virgin olive oil
cheese grater
lemon juicer
fry or saute pan
Peel and grate your beets -- no short cuts here, unless you have one of those attachments for your cuisinart that grates cheese. Mine broke about 15 years ago, so I use a box grater
Juice one lemon
Put pan on medium heat and add a few tablespoons of oil and the grated beets, cook for a minute or two, then add some lemon juice. Add a little salt, too.
Cook them to the tenderness you like. Serve with mixed greens and a creamy, tongue-soothing dressing (the beets should be tart). A loaf of hot rosemary bread goes nice with this, too.
I thought I was the only one who liked beets. that sounds really good.
What kind of mixed greens do you use?
Claudia, is this your recipe?
Yes, my recipe. Or actually, many years ago my doctor wanted me to start eating more beets to support my liver, and I told her I hated beets, and then she told me to make them this way and then I wouldn't, so I did, and I love them.
When I can't get local greens or red leaf or butter lettuce, I buy the Earthbound mixed baby lettuces or baby romaine. I don't care for the spring mix usually because they almost always put too much dry, sharp stuff in it...raddicio? And those rosemary loaves are everywhere now. Heat them up about 10 min @ 400.
First of all, I love the photo, it made my day.
Second...I love beets! So thanks!
I'm in NY again with no access to cookbooks or my cooking notes so I can't help with healthy side dishes, but...I've got a great asparagus, ricotta cheese and pasta dish beloved by vegetarians. I'll get it up here before Christmas.
Thanks, Joan. I had so much fun making it I can't tell you! I think I'll have to make some Christmas cards this year...and that recipe sounds fabulous. We just got a TON of frozen baby organic asparagus at cosco and that recipe sounds perfect!
that dish sounds terrrific! i think i will add finely grated hard boiled egg to the top.
your shopping list sounds like mine. organic, organic, organic.
at first my daughter would poo-poo the whole organic thing because her friends didn't eat like that. i would not refrain. she now appreciates the taste as does my son and husband. the cost is unfortunate but worth it.
do you remember when we made borsht???
i too will have to get on board here with a recipe. i am afraid i will not the artist art to go along with it as i am inept in this area (insert sad face).
C-you are so dang clever-love the picture!
The recipe sounds wonderful! I too am a beet lover. As a kid, I hated them. I thought they tasted like, well, dirt! Now I love them-especially with greens! Thanks for the recipe.
Story-I had to chuckle about your daughter's response to "organic". My son is probably most like me with food choices. My older daughter has a "sweet tooth" like me but will eat "clean food" as I like to call it. My youngest however, complains incessantly that we never have anything good to eat (read pop tarts, Fritos etc) because I have this thing about PHO
(partially hydro. oil), refined sugars and white flour. I keep telling her that someday she'll thank me. She's not buying it!
ok patti, my turn to laugh. that is exactly what my daughter says, "there is never anything to eat"! all grace wants is no-no's. she begs for fruit loops. alec listens to everything and lives it. at least i have one that listens.
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