You will need:
1 piece of your favorite (preferably organic) bread, toasted
1 piece of your favorite (preferably organic) bread, toasted
about a tablespoon of butter (organic if you got)
about a tablespoon or two of natural, organic peanut butter
frying pan
Melt you some butter at medium-low heat in a frying pan.
Once it's melted and getting hot, crack your egg into that puddle of butter. Cook gently, flip, and cook for another minute or so...not more!
Take you that piece of toast I forgot to tell you to make, and spread some of that delicious peanut butter all over the top of it.
Carry your delicious toast over to that frying pan with the egg in it.
Holding the toast above the pan, take your spatula and wrestle that nice egg you just cooked to the surface of that toast. Don't be afraid if some of that good organic butter of yours slops up there, too.
Shake plenty of salt and pepper on top of that delite you just cooked up for yourself.
And Anita, IF YOU MUST, add sliced cucumbers.
Don't forget to turn off the stove and pour yourself some orange juice, too. You're going to be thirsty pretty soon!
Different kind of comment section-- but OK, I have a different kind of comment: does anyone remember the commercial with the egg on the hot frypan, when they said, "this is your brain on drugs?"
Yes Anita, I remember that lovely ad!
What in the world made you think of it?
Anita, do you have any good vegetable cassarole recipes for Thanksgiving?
That egg! That commercial somehow comes to mind every time I crack an egg into the hot butter...
weird, how advertising from long ago still comes to mind....
I think that was my brain they used!
I am so glad to know there were problems with this site - I thought it was me!
I'm goin to Milwaukee for Thanksgiving and my brother's probably in charge of casseroles. I'm making the cranberry sauce with organic cranberries and pure maple syrup! And possibly a decadent chocolate cake or brownies made with organic chocolate....
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