This recipe appeared in the Sunday 11/19 Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel. I have not tried it but I plan on making it for Thursday since I am in charge of the sweet potatoes. It sounds yummy!
Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Cinnamon Pecan Crunch
1/2 c. firmly packed brown sugar (divided)
2 TBL orange juice
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/2 tsp Saigon ground cinnamon (divided)
1/2 tsp salt
3 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks
1 c. dried cranberries
4 TBL (1/2 stick) butter divided
1/4 c. flour
1 c. chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 400.
In large bowl, mix 1/4 c of brown sugar, the OJ, vanilla, 1 tsp of cinnmaon and the salt. Add sweet pots and cranberries; toss to coat well.Spoon into 13 by 9 inch baking dish. Dot with 2 TBL butter. Cover with foil and bake for 30 mins.
In a small bowl, mix flour, remaining 1/4 c. brown sugar, and remaining 1/2 tsp. cinnamon. Cut in remaining 2 Tbl. butter with a fork until coarse crumbs form. Stir in pecans.
Remove potatoes from oven and stir gently. Sprinkle with pecan topping.Bake uncovered 25-30 mins. longer or until sweet potatoes are tender and topping is lightly browned.

Wowzer that sounds yummy Patti!!!
I'm writing that one down for future use :)
If thats your Dog in the Pic I now know what you feed it, lol.
You know what, Patti? This DOES sound good!
martine-not my dog..me in a past life LOL! What a life, hunh?
Let me know if you make this and I'll let you all know how it turns out for thurs.
C-I love the symbol!!!
that does sound good. i think my family would enjoy this.
I made this for Thanksgiving and it was fabulous! I added fresh orange zest and a bit more brown sugar than the recipe called for. It was a luscious, carmelly base with a struesel like top-just enuf crunch. Everyone loved it and it was great cold!!
well done patti!
I was hoping you would say just that Patti, thanks for passing it on :)
Here is my recipe for grav... wait, nope, don't have one! Since guy posts are few and far between on the other blog, I thought it appropriate to "raid" this one. Actually, I do have a pizza recipe. Take out of box. Sprinkle with extra cheese. Bake. Eat.
I am reminded of the Geiko commercial. Even a caveman can do it. We are simple folk, eh?
Good work, Andy!! I'll try that pizza recipe some day soon.
I have to say about the caveman commercials: I used to stop whatever I was doing when they'd show that one at the restaurant...that look the caveman gives him at the end of that commercial! Now I freeze when I hear the one with the caveman at the airport...I think I'm in love with the caveman! I should have posted that at Salon when Joan asked for the sexiest man!
What about Dan's sangria recipe? Shouldn't that be cut & pasted over to here??
Yes Dan's Sangria recipe. He also mentioned having another stuffing recipe to add. I'll coax him into posting.
Thanks Andy for entering the posts of the "other side". I use your pizza recipe often during crazy nites. But actually we have found a new alternative. My son works for a small local take and bake pizzaria called Tony Maroni's (not too far from your neck of the woods Andy...how far are you from Sussex?)The deep dish pizza is excellent so no more frozen za's as we call them. I don't have to cook, we support the little guy and my son stays employed-everybody wins!! What do you guys like on your pizzas?
Nothing beats a sausage-onion-green pepper pizza from Lisa's on Oakland-- as far as thin-crusts go. Does anyone remember that place (I know Story does) that is owned by the Bongiorno family for forever? They have the best sauce ever!!
They really do have great pizza. Try the shrimp pizza with onion, garlic and jalepenos - it's so good. But be prepared to spend a ton - they are really expensive.
I have to share a really great way to prepare a tenderloin - it's my sisters creation so I can not take the credit.
First go to Sendicks on Oakland and see Patty at the cheese counter (she is my sister and the manager) and tell her you want the good blue cheese that is spreadable and starts with an "m". It's expensive - but worth the extra $.
You need to get good quality (Blank Angus) tenderloin cut into thick fillets (or is it filets?). Grill the tenderloin to your liking.
Sautee organic baby spinach with butter, salt, pepper and garlic until spinach is wilted.
In another pan, carmelize onion with a little seasoning salt and a teaspoon of brown sugar.
When steaks are right off the grill, spread the blue cheese on top. Then put on the carmelized onion, and finally the wilted spinach.
It sounds like an odd combo but the taste is sensational.
Thank you all for sharing your recipes, they sound great. It's a very busy time for us all I know, but I will try and find time to post a few of my favorites too.
Pizza. I have had pizza all over this country, a few places out of this country, plus, I live in NYC which is supposed to be one of the Pizza Capitals of the world. Well let me tell you Bub, nobody, I mean nobody nowhere (well, except for Italy) has better pizza than Lisa's thin crust pizza!
The two food items that I always require when I visit Milwaukee are pizza and candy raisins.
You know those candy raisins you get at Winkies, remember Winkies?
Oh God how I love those. I can't find them anywhere but Milwaukee.
Who said they worked at Prima's, was it Andy and Jodie? I remember many happy and tasty hours there.The best thing on their menu was the Barbecued Chicken, man-oh-man what a taste sensation that was! It took me years to figure out it was because they added honey to the BBQ sauce.
In fact, I vaguely remember Dave Peterson delivering it to my house a few times, I think I used to order these boxes with three pieces of chicken, a biscuit, and cole slaw, MMM MM GOOD!
Okay, now that I am hungry I have to go back to work.
One of the horrible side-effects of quitting smoking is becoming food obsessed (and fat).
Speaking of not smoking, has anyone here quit smoking by using The Patch, and if so, did you get "the dreams"?
I'll post my Sangria recipe later.
Dan, I used the patch, what dreams did you have?
We also need your Sangria recipe here in the west it goes well with our chips and salsa!
Dan, if you go to Milwaukee for the holidays, I'll meet you at Lisa's!
How long have you quit smoking? Are you using the Patch now? I've only read a little online that some people experience really vivid dreams, which for some are pleasant, but many say violent or gruesome!
Wow I've been away too long!!
Anita and Dan: for the past 30 years I've been telling people around the country (who never believe me or care) that Lisa's on Oakland makes the best thin crust pizza -- it really is heavenly and I feel a satisfying validation here this morning...ahhh. Better.
Can we sneak off and eat there in July? You know, whenever I've mentioned that place to my family still living around there, they always say, "yeah, but it's EXPENSIVE." Funny, Peggy. It must really be. Maybe I'll have some big fat advance on my book by then and I can pay for our dinner. Now wouldn't that be nice on so many levels...
Peggy: Your recipe sounds delicious, I can only imagine how wonderful that is...it reminds me of something you'd see in some old-time cookbook -- cheese and beef together with butter on top! But what I love the most are your instructions -- they sound like a spy movie: go to the Sendiks and find the sister at the cheese counter...ask for the cheese that starts with "m" -- I lost it at that point, too too funny! GREAT way to start my day, Peg...Thanks!!
I'm going to see if I can find a new picture to post here...love to you all, claud xx
We may have to plan in a "Lisa's-lovers" event for the reunion itinerary-- maybe we can work a group discount, although $20 for a large best-pizza-in-the-world....
Think of what's involved....
Why don't I remember Lisa's pizza? Martine did we ever go there?
Anita, my brother Jeff lived in Kalamazoo for a few years, he's now in GA. My aunt lives in Decatur, it's about 30 miles from you, I think, do you know the area? She lives on Finch Lake, I have many great memories of spending lots of time there when I lived in Milwaukee.
Peggy, your recipe sounds similar to one I do with maytag blue cheese, I serve it over arrugula. Say hi to Pat for me, I will never forget our trip to Florida!
Yes Laurel we went there. Remember we had to climb a flight of stairs to get to the Rest. Ok, this is new, me remembering and not you lol. And yes it was the best Pizza around!!!
Peggy that dish sounds fantastic, I would be happy to taste test anytime :)
Claudia its so good to have you and your sense of humor back, I love it :)
Anita, is there a time table on our list of Addresses? Wow, is this homework? lol
Hi Dan, of course I remember Winkies and yes Laurel we went there too.
I think I have been gone to long, I don't even remember Winkies! OK, Martine exactly where are these two places? Did we go to Lisa's, like really late at night after we had hit every corner bar?
I remember Winkies, but I can't place the candy raisins.
Yes, Martine! The timetable on your "homework" is ASAP!! Maybe we can get together in a couple weeks and study together. As a group, we could put all of our heads together, and figure out what works....
Laurel, why on earth would your brother live in Kalamazoo of all places? I'm not very familiar with Decatur, but there is a Finch Lake that looks like it's near there, but maybe closer to Marcellus. It would only be a half-hour's drive from Kalamazoo.
Anita, that's the place. It's really magical there, my Grandmother and Aunt owned the only 2 homes on a very tiny pennisula.
My brother, his wife and kids moved there because of his work, they were very happy there, but I think the winters were a bit too long for him.
I took my husband and kids to Finch Lake 4 years ago, we had so much fun on the pontoon boat and fishing, well atleast the kids and I did, my husband still has'nt gotten over that trip, especially the toad in our bedroom!
Laurel, I was wondering if you would figure out the after hours eating, lol. And Winkies is in Whitefish Bay on the corner of Silver Spring Dr. and Marlboro Dr.
It's just a Corner Store but they always had good stuff to buy, still a fun store.
I now remember Winkies!!!! Though Lisa is still not there. I think I bought turtles and goldfish there, did they sell them? Help me with this lost mind!
What is that picture above the dog? Is it Lisa's, I have become obsessed about this place, me who loves food and especially pizza, it's going to be my first stop when I get back, are you listening Martine!
They did (and I think still do) have a candy counter.
As far as the memory goes...don't feel so all alone. I really do think it can be attributed to pre "m" word (can't get myself to say it)issues. Of course I wouldn't know anything about that because I so much younger than all of you.
Yes Laurel the Pic is of Lisa's and yes I'll drive but your paying, lol. xox
The pizza party is on me, all are invited.xx0xx L
Wow, glad I wandered over here!
I don't remember Lisa's, either. I remember moving from New York in 1972 and feeling SO SO SO deprived of New York pizza. We used to go to Pasquale's, just outside the Milw. line, b/c it was sort of comparable, but not really. How did we miss Lisa's?
I also remember missing Jewish deli food and going to Benji's on Oakland, and running into Kareem Abdul Jabbar who was also a displaced New Yorker looking for his fix.
Finally, I remember my mother discovering that vegetables didn't come in a can or box or frozen bag, and going to Sendik's twice a week for fresh fruit and veggies! And she didn't drive so she either walked or took the bus, and this was a major revelation/revolution for her -- and basically, for us too. Vegetables suddenly weren't odd and slimy, they tasted so good!
I promise some recipes before Christmas. Daniel E. will tell you we put out a pretty good spread for our party. The very simple au gratin potatoes (we just call them cheesy potatoes since Nora was a baby) were, as always, the crowd pleaser. xo
What a generous offer, Laurel! It can go on the schedule of events!
Lisa's is way down on Oakland, past Kenwood, on the righthand side. It's a small sort of place, and you go up some stairs as soon as you enter the front door.
There's not much parking on the street in front, and they don't have a parking lot; but right across the street is the Sentry Foods store parking lot.
Claudia--WHERE did you get that picture??
Anita, how many seats are there in Lisa's? We'll have to figure that one out, maybe make it for Thursday night? I think Alioto's might be better for meeting for drinks on Friday, like last time. What does everyone think? I'm open to anything, but it sounds like the size could be a problem, and maybe we could have the rest. for the night? Thoughts anyone?
That sounds like a good plan-- then a tour on Saturday around 1:00, the party on Saturday night, picnic on Sunday. I don 't know what the plan is yet for the golf outing--
Deb-- when will your husband want to golf?
I think Bill Schulte is arranging the golf for Sat morning. Does that souns god or would Sunday be better? Lisas on Thurs would be great. I don't think we would have to worry about seating because it would probably be a small croud. The max is about 40 to 50 but that's just a guess.
Mrs. McGuire...where have you been?
Oops, I meant that sounds good - not god.
Thanks Anita for reminding me of this blog.
Laurel, I don't remember Lisas either??
Winkies was great, Sendiks was great, and love those Benjis Corn Beef sandwiches. I never saw Kareem there though!!
Peggy - Friday afternoon, or Sat morning I suspect would be better for everyone for the golf, don't work around my husband,he may not even come with me, his work schedule may not allow it? Who knows?? Perhaps lets ask Dave Meyer his opinion, he is a golfer.
I have the flu, I think I have to go to bed. Story & Claudia, you sent it this way I think??
OK, what about this plan: Friday night meet at Aliotos for drinks. Saturday, lunch at Lisa's, golf for whomever, and then meet up at SHS for tour around 2:00. The party is Saturday night and then the picnic on Sunday. So the people who want to golf will either go really early(which I think most do) or skip lunch and maybe come over to the school. The other option is Thursday night pizza party, but that may be too long of a week-end for some,also is Lisa's open in the afternoon?
Ok, I talked to 1 of the Owners of Lisa's last night. Kinda long story and I have to run out the door for the day. Will post later today what she said. Kinda comes down to how many, when and what time since it is a small place.
Ok, I have to run :)
Ok Laurel and Peggy,what the heck happened to the Greyhound repainting party, hair straightening, bird watching & Bowling at the YC? (Ha Ha!) We can eat Lisas pizza, if they deliver, at the Bowling Alley at the YC, right after repainting the greyhound while watching for birds, that is immediately after the tour of Dave Meyers basement.....Maybe we should just hire a "tour bus" to take us all from location to location for four straight days!! Someone contact Mark Burnett, I see a reality show in the making!! Every location, someone gets "kicked off the bus" to remain there 'till the 40th reunion!!!! Ha Ha again. (I am high on Sudafed I think).
Laurel your plan sounds good, I think, now I cannot remember what you said???!! Why are we on the recipe blog?????
take 2 more sudafed and call us in the morning...
Well gang Lisa's is not open for lunch at all. And if we did go Thurs. night and had a big crowd we would have to wait till after their Dinner hour which would be around 8pm. And no they dont take Resv. because the Rest. is small and they still need to feed the Regulars, oh well. Thing is we dont even know how many would want to do Dinner on Thur. or Lunch on Sat. if either so that makes it a bit difficult in finding a Rest. Ok, thats all the info I have at this point :)
Thanks Martine.
Deb, we like you on sudafed, you did't need to run to the mother blog!
one would think that, if they had enough of us interested in doing lunch on Saturday, they would open
true one would think that Anita. however we dont have a firm number of people that I could call her with to see if they would open. At this point all I know is she said they have never served lunch. She said they are packed 7 nights a week, sorry. I will be happy to call back and ask again when we have more info on how many people.
That would be hard for them to accomidate us without firm numbers. Like the problems Peggy encountered planning the Saterday night bash.
Do they deliver? Could we pick it up in our "tour bus"?? HA
Hi Deb, I didnt realize Peggy had problems with the Saturday night bash with all the Banquet rooms they have at the Hotel.
Peggy, if you need any help please let me know :)
"Tour Bus" that is funny, lol.
Not problems, just the fact that restaurants and banquet halls will only book events when they have somewhat of a good estimate of number of people attending. Big difference between 50 or 150, you usually have committ to a minimum, (therefore pay for a min.).Reunions are hard to figure cause of that. Plus they always ask for a deposit to reserve the space, and unless you wait to book a hall 2 months before, when you have a better idea of the number attending, it is a crap shoot. Busy time for these places with weddings and such I suspect. I really don't know the details, maybe the hotel is being very flexible? Which is good.
Ok Deb, I see what you mean. I thought everything had been set up with the Hotel. Believe me I know what a pain it can be since that is what I use to do for years.
Thats why I said Lisa's was probably out because its pretty small and we just dont know how many and all. And if Italian Fest is going on that wk-end the whole City gets booked. What date is the Reunion again? Lord, with the Holidays coming up and all the running around and craziness my memory is shot, geezzz. Thanks Deb :)
The date has been set for Saturday, July 21, 2007 at the Milwaukee River Hilton in Glendale (same as the 20-year reunion.)
Thanks Anita, I thought thats what is was just wanted to make sure :)
I knew where just couldnt remember when, lol. Hey did you get my E-mail today?
The reunion date is July 21st and will take place at the Milwaukee River Hilton (same place as the 20th). The contract has been signed and it is all set. You should join us at the next meeting - date to be determined. I agree that we should probably nix the Lisas thing as a planned event. But maybe we can have the next reunion meeting there and tell everyone else, in great detail, how the pizza tasted!
Okay, i forgot to refresh before posting. Sorry for the repeat info.
Yes, Martine-- I got your email-- I'll wait until after "House" to call you. It goes for 2 hours tonight.
Peggy, I like the idea of a meeting at Lisa's. I actually went there for dinner with my sister after our last meeting. My 19-year old kept going on about how she couldn't believe how good that pizza was!
Thanks for the updates & confirmations. Lisas was a great idea, but logistically won't work out I guess. Do they have a drive thru? We can go through with the tour bus! HA ha. I know, I am not beating a dead bus, I mean horse!
Hey Martine, everyone needs a friend like you who remembers- I am glad you are doing the remembering for Laurel. I have a friend like that from college, we remember what the other one forgets. (which was a lot during our college drinking "daze")
Heh everyone
The SHS Office Web site now has our Reunion Notice.
Click on the Alumni tab on the left.
Its official now!!!
Maybe we should start giving everyone an idea of how many of us are coming to the reunion, we could have a post for that, but you know how we take any post and use it to comment on all that comes to our minds or what remains of it in my case! As for me, I will be there and I know Jeanne Dominski will too.
Martine sans hubby right? Is this too early or will it help? Let us know and I'm really going to be very jealous if you guys meet at Lisa's!
What about my hubby Laurel?
Put down the Wine dear and go to bed, lol. Of course I will be there IF we go :)
I agree with Laurel, we should go back to the main blog, and someone -- Peggy, Anita? -- should ask how many people are coming, with or without spouses/SOs, to the reunion July 21. And also try to get an answer to who would come Friday, and who would stay for a family picnic on Sunday (me! me! me! I would! Or rather: yes, that sounds lovely, darlings, and I would bring Nora, before we go on our college tour to Madison)
Joan, how wonderful to see you back here :) Did you happen to see my E-mail I sent? I know how busy you are but could you please respond when you have a minute. Thanks Joan :)
Ok Martine, no wine. Sans hubby, sorry I forgot to use the English Language! Sans meaning without your hubby(husband) correct? xoxox L
Yes, we should have a spot that is only for Reunion committments, you are right Laurel, no matter the topic of the blog post we are just talking to what ever, and by the 10th comment it is nothing to do with the main Post. (I, of course remain on topic all the time)
Very funny, Deb.
We'll have to speak with the Webmaster, but it seems that everyone on the blog sounds pretty definite, barring circumstance that is beyond our control, obviously. So there's the starting list, plus we have some more that we have been contacting, going through our lists. Soon, it will be time to ask for financial committment. We'll also try to come up with an online questionnaire that could be transferred to a book, like at the 20th. Any ideas?
Yes, a post that is permanently off to the side and will always be seen...or maybe something like the Cheese and Slackers thing?? Deb put the blog address in her "Save the Date" mailing so we may get more bloggers after that.
Claudia?? Where is Claudia?? Who is Claudia??
Joan, glad to know your alive. So this is what they are talking about when they warn of a computer virus...I hope I don't get it.
It's so quiet, where is everyone? House was great last night, I was out and caught the last 30 min., anyone watch it? I know I should post and keep things going like everyone else, I guess I just miss Claudia and everyone else that makes it so easy to just comment!
I just tried to post and the password, advisor was not accepted, did I do something wrong?
ooh, the holidays are approaching way too fast, and there's too much going on....
Laurel, are you trying to post on this Cheese & Slackers blog or on the "mother blog" (as Claudia calls it?)
Hi Anita, it was the mother blog. It just was'nt working. Thought I would get a new conversation going! Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow. It is a busy time for all of us, I have so much shopping still to do!
Happy Holidays to you and everyone else!
Check to make sure that you have the entire correct username, which is "practicalslayer@yahoo.com"
Well I finally ordered the Cheese Bra for the Yankee Swap Christmas Party, ($45 with shipping), I am convinced that it will be the MOST tacky, silly gift of the night!! Thanks Claudia for posting that pic, giving me the idea.
Yes, so much to do, so little time. I am procrastinating right now, as I should be shopping, baking, CLEANING, and making raffle signs for the Holiday Scholarship Concert tonight. Again it is in the 50's & sunny outside, so had to put on a CD to get in the mood, (Bings' White Christmas, & Nat King Cole The Christmas Song).
Good Luck EVERYONE with your holiday prep, but don't forget to take a moment to stop and smell the coffee, Krispy Kremes, Egg Nog, Lisas Pizza, or Evergreen trees!
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