A bottle of a halfway decent Merlot
A little less than a half pint of good Rum
2 oranges
2 peaches
1 lemon
1 very generous cup of sugar
1. Pour the entire bottle of wine into a glass or ceramic pitcher
2. Add a splash of rum.
3. Squeeze the juice from one orange into the pitcher, cut the other orange into circular slices and add to the mixture.
4. Add another splash of Rum
5. Cut up the peaches and throw the pieces into the pitcher.
6. Time for another splash of Rum
7. Add the skin of the lemon to the mixture (try to avoid adding any of the actual meat of the lemon).
8. You are probably used to adding a splash of Rum by now, so as not to confuse you I suggest you do so again.
9. Add sugar
10. If you have any Rum left over just remember wastefullness is a sin and just do what you feel is right in your heart.
11. Stir and cover
12. Stick that baby in the fridge for at least 24 hours.
Serves: It serves you! If anyone else wants some tell em to make their own damn Sangria!
Oh yeah, nibbling on those little pieces of peach can be delicious, and intoxicating, so watch out! Like everything else in life I learned this the hard way. One Sunday morning I didn't think it would hurt to eat a few of the peach pieces right out of the pitcher. Half an hour later I was looped!
Who wrote this? I'm laughing so hard, I think I have found the perfect breakfast wine! I always joke to my friends that I'm always looking for the perfect breakfast wine , I will pass this on to them. By the way it really is a joke.
Laurel-- Dan Berghaus wrote this in the comments section, way back in the "tag-game" entry. I just figured that I should copy & paste it to a more prominent location!
What a beautiful and timely post!! Thanks Anita and Dan!
Sounds yummy! Laurel, we can have it for breakfast the Sunday after the reunion. Peaches are healthy...
Peggy, you and I will have our little breakfast wine and plan our next trip to Florida! xoxoL
Will the state of Florida let you back in?
I was going to post that recipe here, I really, really was, I think. Thank you Anita, it probably would have been 2008 before I got around to doing it.
Now to pick up where I left off, oh wait, before I do that, I had the grossest but funniest thought regarding the cheese bra, I say we pool our resources and design and distribute CHEESE BUTTOCKS! Is anyone in on it with me?
Where was I? Oh yeah, I was going to finally tell you about the patch and the dreams that came with it. Many of the people who I love but are dead came to visit me in my dreams while I was on the patch. Not only that, but I could remember the dreams fully. I would tell my living friends about them and they would freak out. But it wasn't creepy, it was kind of nice to see these departed friends and family members and talk to then again. The one thing that kind of shook me up though was when my best friend of 20 years who had just died a few years before I started on the patch popped up in my dreams. I remember we were having a long talk and I looked at him and said "is this really a dream and are you really dead" he chuckled and said "oh yeah I'm dead, I'm really dead"
The dreams stopped shortly before I went off the patch and as creepy as this sounds I miss them (which I guess translates to I still miss my loved ones who have crossed over).
I hope this comment doesn't promote any nightmares for anyone. But for real, aside from the dreams, the patch works. I haven't smoked tobacco in a couple of years and trust me, I was a serial smoker!
I have very vivid and odd dreams when I was pregnant, deceased relatives came to see me in dreams as well.
So glad that you are back on Dan, love the recipe, I think that I may have to serve it Christmas to all the in laws.
I like that idea of the Cheesy butt.........or cheesy "speedos".
Could just be cheesy enough to sell.
About the cheese butt...I think I already have one (and it's forever attached). I don't know for sure because I can't twist that far anymore!
I had a similar patch experience but I was having horrible nightmares and had to stop. Needless to say...I am still smoking.
Hi Dan, I actually would like to have some vivids dreams of loved ones who have already passed, I miss them.
Now, about the Cheese Buttocks. I hate to be the one to burst your Xmas bubble but they already have Cheese Butt seats cushions, lol.
Nice to see you back here :)
Peggy, I'am only able to enter the state of Florida with you, Pat and Megan as long as you never leave my side and keep me out of Big Daddy"s
That was the place, right?
Martine, do you know about this cheese butt thing because you have one?
Love to all of you and again, I'm so thankful that we have reconnnected, what a great gift.
OK, Martine looking back on my comment about cheese butts, I meant you own one, right? YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE! I adore you!
Oh sure nice save at the end there Laurel, lol. However its up for debate since I quit smoking, I just keep on with the Pilates and pray it works. Hey I've lost a whopping 4 pds. whoopie.
xox M~
Good job, Martine!
Holiday sweets are big trouble for me....
Again Martine, I do adore you, though I'm still laughing at what I said! xoxoxxo,Love,L
I can't believe you remembered the name (and you didn't get help from Martine)! I am laughing so hard about that trip and that night. Remember Stan the family man?
Yeah Stan the family man, holed up in his room with those playboy magazines!
For those of you who may be wondering what Peggy and I are talking about, I will try and condense this story. Senior year went to Florida on a class trip. We broke every rule there was Went to a club called Big Daddy's and met some really cute guys. They drove us back to our hotel and we were out past our curfew. A chaperone asked what school we were form and I said Big Daddy's, while holding a huge tropical drink in my hand (drinking was forbidden), well anyway Stan the man who organized the whole trip heard all the commotion and came out of his room.
That's where the trouble really started, the boys we had met ran into his room, locking Stan the man out. They opened the drapes (he was on the first floor) and started jumping on his bed holding up his little magazines. The police were called and I was sent home along with Peggy's sister on the very next plane back to Milwaukee. Maybe Peggy can explain why she got to stay!! We were rooming with Megan Breeze, bless her heart, she thought she was also being sent home. My Father picked me up at the airport and I was grounded, ok not really grounded, but he took my car away!
But, I really did have a great time! Peggy, did I get it right?
I didn't get sent home because I stayed back in the motel and helped finish the several pound bag of...that we smuggled on the plane. And we helped Mrs. Gardner finish her case of Old Style. I remember she was running around in her robe trying to hide the beer cans left in our room before the police came. But we were the "good guys" compared to you and Patty!! You did leave out the part about the old fashioned brawl between the bar boys and the tour guide and his son, too. Okay, now I am really laughing. Were we the only 3 seniors on the trip?
How is this a Class Trip if there were only 3 of you?? And what about Mrs. Gardner's daughter, Mary? Was she included in this?
Geez, why do so many of us not know anything about this?
There were several SHS students but they were mostly juniors. It was the Junior/Senior class trip in 76.
I need ideas for easy side dishes to go with lasagne lasagne.
How about salad salad.
Thanks, Thanks. You funny guy!
I don't think I could laugh much harder. Laurel and Peggy, your story sounds like it is out of a slap-stick movie. Now who could top that story? You win the prize!
What great memories for the two of you.
THAT IS SO FUNNY, you know I don't ever remember a class trip to Florida? (HS kids in Florida for spring break - what academic thought of that bright idea??).
I went on the class trip to Spain the prior year, with Mrs. Gardner, Patti B, Bano, Todd B., Bill S, and others -some hijinx, but don't remember anyone getting sent home early??? God Bless Mrs. G, how the hell did she do it??
How did we all survive??? It boggles the mind.
Peggy, or Laurel, you MUST have some photos of this infamous class trip to FLA? I'll be waiting...........(Do your kids know any of these stories?)
I remember Laurel being sent home from that trip!!! I just didnt know EVERY single detail, lol. Now with that being said does this really surprise you all? haaaa
I adore you too Laurel, xox M~
I'am so glad for those wild memories, just don't want them for my kids! I did give them a mild version of the facts and thank you Peggy for those lost moments in my fading memory, menopause is good for some things.
Martine, see I do remember some of my youth, though there are some blank times, but ofcourse it has nothing to do with my wild times, it's all because of menopause! Love to have excuses like that!
I'm trying to post a new recipe, the username:slackercooks @yahooo is not working.Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
try slackercooks@yahoo.com
password: shorewood
Since, I'm incapable of posting and only have a knowledge of commenting, would it be alright if I just put my stupid recipes here?
p.s. they really are simple too. Won't take up too much space.
Of course that's fine, Laurel! But let me know if you want any help because I'm happy to help, too. If you want!
they can also be moved from in here to out there!
We are still waiting...
Peggy, I must get my inspiration back again !
Let me finish my big daddy's drink, will get get back to all with a great dish that Stan the man would be proud of.
Laurel, you do realize that you're keeping the slackers test kitchens in limbo, waiting for this inspired recipe....
Laurel's version of Chicken Cacciatore
1 whole chicken cut up
1/3 C olive oil
1 lg. onion chopped
10 mushrooms, sliced
1 green bell pepper, sliced
4 large carrots, cut into lg. pieces
1/2 bag of frozen green beans
2 14oz. jars of Prego tradional marinara
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1T Italian seasoning
2 t basil
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper
1. Brown chicken in the oil.
2.Remove chicken.
3. Add onions, mushrooms, garlic and green peppers, saute 10 min.
4.Add rest of ingredients, COVER pan and cook on low hear for 1hr. 15 min.
There I finally did it!
Thanks, Laurel!
We'll have to give it a go! How many does that feed? It sounds like a lot! I'll pour it over some pasta.
Hi Anita, it serves 4-6 people, but the leftovers are great. I usually serve it with some good hot crunchy bread to soak up all the sauce, but pasta is always a classic.
Hope you enjoy!
Oh Laurel this is fabulous! Thanks!!!
I have question, who makes a great tomato sauce that they really love? There are so many out there and I have tried so many, but I'm wondering, what are favorites?
Laurel, your chicken dish sounds great. Can the leftovers be eaten in the morning with the fruit from the sangria?
As far as sauces go...there are so many really good prepared sauces available that it doesn't seem to be worth the effort of making it from scratch. I really like Barillo (sp?).
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